ERP Solution

Business processes for optimal performance.

erp solutions

IT Outsourcing

Optimize your operations with experts

Cyber Security

Orchestrating processes for performance.

Total Control

Total Control for preventive maintenance

PDPA Compliance

Ensuring data protection with integrity

Cloud Services

Leverage the cloud securely

Preventive Maintenance

Proactive upkeep services, averting disruptions, optimizing asset longevity and performance.

How Does Preventive Maintenance Work?

Leveraging machine learning, operational data analytics, and predictive asset health monitoring, engineers are empowered to enhance maintenance strategies and mitigate reliability risks to plant or business operations. Software tailored for preventive maintenance aids in achieving consistent operations, adhering to warranty requirements, and addressing potential production hurdles before they manifest.

Categories of Preventive Maintenance

There are four primary categories of preventive maintenance, all revolving around the idea of scheduled upkeep. However, each is structured and timed distinctively to align with varying business operation objectives.

Usage-Based Preventive Maintenance
Maintenance activates based on usage, projecting future maintenance dates.
Calendar/Time-Based Preventive Maintenance
Scheduled maintenance based on time intervals, ensuring consistent upkeep.
Predictive maintenance
Anticipating maintenance needs through data analysis, minimizing unexpected downtime.
Prescriptive Maintenance
Guided maintenance actions based on analytics, enhancing asset performance.

Benefits of Preventive Maintenance

Begin harnessing the utmost value from your assets and realize cost savings by adopting a preventive maintenance strategy. Additional advantages include enhanced organization and uninterrupted operations.

Prolongs Asset Longevity

Strategically schedule maintenance and inspections to ensure assets reach their full lifecycle potential while keeping warranties updated.

Minimizes Maintenance Expenditure

Handle both planned and unplanned maintenance, inventory, and spare parts costs effectively. Gaining better insight into your operations and assets aids in significantly reducing maintenance costs.

Enhances Productivity

A well-coordinated labor force yields higher productivity. IBM Maximo® streamlines scheduling, vendor management, and both workflow and financial reporting—eliminating the need for paper.

Diminishes Unplanned Downtime

Detect necessary repairs early in the asset lifecycle to maintain continuous operations, reducing downtime, and maximizing production efficiency.

Embark on Your Preventive Maintenance Journey Today!

Ready to embark on your Preventive Maintenance journey? Follow our step-by-step guide and reach out to us for any assistance. We’re here to help!